Ready To Scale Your Business for 2025 - Join SCALE 2025 - Click Here
Well let me just explain it this way. If there's no strategy behind your social media lead gen, none of the above even matters.
When I began using Social Media for business in 2011, I had no idea what to create but guess what.....
I learned by hiring an accountability coach that already had experience.
I began to understand what my audience wanted & that pushed me to get more active on social media over the years. Since 2014 I've created over 40 courses that have allowed me not to work a 9 to 5 since 2016 & they were all sold online.
This only happens when you show up & when you also know that things don't have to be perfect from day 1.
Don't worry, I have your back. I see you over there stressing about social media & overthinking it, so here's how I can help you.
Option #1: 7 Day Session
We'll start with a 1 Hour Strategy Session
During this session we'll go over
Option #2: 30 Day VIP Experience
We'll also have a 1 Hour Strategy Session
There will be Pre-Work - Must be completed before our 1st call.
During our 1 Hour Session we will do everything above from the 1 hour session but here's what's different. During the week as you're creating content for your social media & captions, I'm there to help you do it. I know especially with the techy side of things this is what can cause us to push things to the side so I'm making myself available to jump into your system & help you so you can move forward & complete your content & start generating leads quickly.
You must be dedicated to this 30 days because I will be reaching out to you several times each week to confirm your progress & offer help. At the end of the 30 days we'll jump on a 30 minute wrap up session to answer any final questions that you have.
Click the link below to grab your spot. These spots are limited each month
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